They didn't get sick! My daughters woke up this morning happy and healthy still talking about dancing in the rain. I do have to admit that my already sick self is feeling like maybe I will finally be in the running for some antibiotics. Last week I had the "it's just a virus," visit to the doc. Which in my case really means, "it's not antibiotics worthy. . . yet." I probably should have worn a coat last night.
We have a family rule, that is kind of a joke, but not really, "Mom is not allowed to get sick." And if I do get sick, I would add, I am not allowed to act sick. You know how it is for moms, we carry on. So I really wasn't feeling like going outside today. But, but, I can't give up so easily. If I got my kids to school, volunteered in a classroom and cooked dinner I can certainly handle 15 minutes outside.
We take a break from running to hide Mr. Turtle on top of a small bush. His little smiling face is just peeking out. That will be an extra challenge for Daddy.
Did he find him? LOVE your writing & I'm enjoying catching up :)