It is
raining on and off and we are at the mall. One of those nice
outdoor pseudo small town feeling deals. I have to say that one of
the reasons we bought our house was because of this place. I feel a little mixed
about the choice. Yes we live in the burbs and there are not any genuine Main
Streets to be had. But really, choosing to live next to a "nice"
but completely manufactured center of commerce? Would it be better to
live next to an ugly strip mall (no), or the mega enclosed double-decker mall
on the other side of town (ugh!). Or should we be in the country, or no wait,
in the city . . . OK I have to stop myself, because we live where we live and
moving is not in the cards right now. So here we are walking along getting more
of our stuff done. My little one has decided to splash in all the puddles and I
am enjoying this sight.
At the
corner of a building my little one shouts “Holly! Holly Jolly Holly!!!” And
there it is a nice full holly bush with perfect red berries. We did a lot of
reading over the holidays and she really adopted the holly for some reason.
Maybe because it is so fun to say when rhymed with Jolly. We stop and look. She
tells me very seriously that the berries are for the birds not for us. And she
also reminds me that the leaves are very pokey. After a bit we continue on our way through the
manufactured small town. But I’m starting to appreciate it a little more. Yes,
it was built all at the same time and, and yes you know the names of every store in here, but there is something real to be found if we just get out of the car
and walk.
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