It is wet and we are alternately stir crazy and sleepy. I know this feeling. Time for fresh air. Our four legged family members jump at the sigt of the leashes. Yes, these dogs should have been the reason for our daily outings since the beginning but I will admit I often let them play in the back yard rather than going for a real walk.
As the year comes to an end I am contemplative. A year of getting outside most days has brought great joy to our family. I feel calmer and find moments of peace in nature that sustain me throughout the days. And I have discovered the peril of having an electronic companion always on hand to capture the perfect moment. Instead of being in the moment I found myself documenting the moment. And so I have become an intermittent photographer and a sometime blogger.
For the new year I hope and plan to continue our daily outdoor time. And I hope to go on more walks with our dogs because I know they need to stretch their legs as much as we do.