Thursday, August 8, 2013


August 8

Squishy, gooey, MUD!

Drip drip drip

August 7

Cupped like a bowl, these beauties drink in the rain. We explore the dripping garden in our rubber boots. 

Flash rider 360

August 6

This is the craziest trike I have ever seen. We may never come inside again. Peddling backwards, turning circles, twisting and looping my daughter heads outside as soon as she gets up just to get a few moments on this contraption. 

Waiting for dusk

August 5

In the heat of an August day this night blooming beauty is shut tight. 

Scooter stroll

August 4

Big sister helps Little sister keep her balance on our scooter stroll. 

Stop theif!

August 3

Is this who is supposed to be eating our birdseed?

Friday, August 2, 2013

Hot pink!

August 2

There are crape myrtle trees covered in blossoms everywhere. 


August 1

The summer flowers have arrived! 

Little snail

July 31

My junior scientists find a little snail. They hold him gently hoping he will come out of his shell. Eventually he is placed under a shady bush and wished a fond farewell. 

Green leaves

July 30

I have missed the glowing layers of green in our yard. 

Playing with the hose

July 29

Our first day home and we play with the hose in the back yard. I feel jet lagged even though we are in the same time zone. 

Words to live by

July 28

We head home today. Back to regular life. Back to friends and routines. Back to sidewalks and freeways. I found this sign and decided it makes a pretty good family motto. It certainly has described our summer. 

We got for a last walk around the pond, get in the car and head home. 

Baby lizard

July 27

We find this tiny baby lizard sunning himself as we head out on our bikes. 


July 26

Here it is: the silver lining!


July 25

Biking to lunch we see this guy. He looks ready for the catch of the day. 


July 24

A sunset bike ride along the lagoon. 


July 23

Shadow play on the wall.